Apogee Mindset Consulting

Your body achieves what your mind believes

Empowering individuals with authentic success,

Inspiring the world to harness mind-body potentiality.



Ap·o·gee  /ˈapəjē/   The highest point of development.

At Apogee Mindset Consulting, we specialize in breaking down complex challenges to reveal the most strategic pathway for resolution. Our core expertise is in identifying and managing emotions that pose as obstacles to your apogee, guiding you to harness the potential of your mind and body for authentic health and success.  


Authentic: We walk our talk and communicate authentically with clients. 

Present: We are present with clients and deliver highly individualized service for maximum results. 

Objective: We are independent consultants who aim not merely to please but to deliver sustainable results.

Grounded: We are grounded and retain humility by staying focused on our mission. 

Expansion: We consistently expand our vision and outreach.

Excellence: We take pride in what we do and serve with excellence. 


Our mission is to empower individuals with authentic success and inspire the world to harness mind-body potentiality.


We take your privacy seriously. From the first to final point of contact, all information you provide remains strictly confidential. ​

© 2024 Apogee Mindset Consulting™

Empowering individuals with authentic health & success, inspiring the world to harness mind-body potentiality.