Apogee Mindset Consulting

Tune In. Regulate. Liberate.

Live life authentically


Each one of us has a unique hierarchy of values that dictates the way in which we perceive, interact with, and experience the world. As Socrates said, to know thyself is the beginning of wisdom.

We ask strategic questions that facilitate clarity in your values and guide you to connect with your inner wisdom. By tuning into the symptoms of your body and clearing the chaos in your mind, the most efficient path to resolve an issue or achieve a goal is revealed.

Over several sessions, we impart you with the skills to apply these questions in your every day life, empowering you to tune in to your mindbody, regulate your emotions and nervous system, master your mindset and live an authentic life.

Your journey is uniquely yours, as are the challenges and pathways that we will uncover together with you. Here are some outcomes that we have achieved for our clients:


  • Dissolving heavy emotions and reducing brain noise for better sleep and overall functioning

  • Transforming "self-sabotaging" or undesirable behaviors

  • Pain management

  • Dissolving body-image issues and cultivating self-love

  • Raising the value of physical and emotional health and wellness for greater work-life balance


  • Dissolving heavy emotions that cloud vision and impede action

  • Broadening the mind and awakening intuitive faculties for higher level thinking 

  • Dissolving fears and increasing confidence e.g. in public speaking, pitches or networking

  • Dissolving perceptions of loss to uncover hidden opportunities

  • Dissolving perceptions of gain to maintain stability


  • Resolving relationship conflicts

  • Dissolving grief or loss in deaths, breakups or divorces

  • Enhancing intimate communication and connection

  • Revitalizing boredom or burn-out in relationships

  • Transforming shame and blame to respect and understanding

*Our Consultants do not practice psychology, psychiatry, psychotherapy or psychoanalysis and do not treat disease, prescribe drugs, provide therapy or solve legal problems. We are simply here to offer a more profound way of looking at life and assist in changing any stressful situation into a fulfilling experience.

Understanding the key methodology used by our team:


Underlying all perceived chaos in life is a set of natural laws that governs all systems. The Demartini Method® leverages universal principles to equilibrate imbalanced perceptions and transform complex challenges into opportunities.

© 2025 Apogee Mindset Consulting™

Empowering individuals to lead authentic lives.